“ Without wonder and insight, acting is just a business. With it, it becomes creation.”
Bette Davis
1994 I finished my studies at the Academy of Performing Arts University in Bratislava, Slovakia,
achieving a BSc Degree at Acting and Film Making.
While in University I played small parts in students films. There and then I found my passion for
After University I carried on acting for six years in theatres as a stage and puppet actress, building
and performing different characters:
• A feeling of hopelessness over the strong but unstable love which more complicated due to
others' intrigues (Kubo).
• Carefree life with Mother Holle. All changes thanks to love for earthly mortal beautiful girl.
• Double personality - good and evil - An intimate horrible fight with herself - Schizophrenia? Two minds in one calf? All because of drugs (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde).
• Heavy - horrible feeling of losing everything - conflict between desire to forget and desire to remember – gloominess - questions without answer - tracing the man's slow fall into madness (The Raven).
• Bad but crafty clever wolf - played as an actor & puppet as well (Little Red Riding Hood).
After twenty years my acting career continues in England. 2016 adds an extraordinary project - Hello Au Revoir movie - director Jason Croot and my first credit in IMDb. That year I had the option to attend an acting workshop with Pamela Taylor (Liverpool) and Lee Mountjoy (Manchester).
From 2017 I keep studying at Merseyside Academy of Drama - Script Analysis & Building Character, Advanced Acting and Improvisation.
2018 I continue to study in MAD, also I start attending workshops Joe H Makin Drama Centre Liverpool - Acting Research Lab - acting workshop – physical theatre and pretext for an emerging dramaturgy, re-conceiving body, creating an emotional movement for a text. - Tutor Filippo Romanello and Mask & Physical Theatre Workshop – Tmesis Theatre Liverpool – Tutor Simone Tani.
Some of videos is is here
Performance /stage
I was performing and building characters for playwriting Frozen - Nancy who losing a young girl; the murdered girl's mother and The Events playing Claire, a choir-leading vicar who survived the killing spree by hiding in a music room, only to see one of her students shot at point-blank range; and the perpetrator, identified as "The Boy. The latter performer also plays all the other characters in the piece, ranging from Claire's female lover to a psychiatrist to a right-wing politician.
At the end of years, I had an opportunity to play as a supporting actress in the show The Beauty and The Beast, creating a character of crazy - very active but funny lady from the village.
This year I attended at Liverpool Fridge 24 hour Play Festival, where, in one group was a writer, director, 3 actors I performing lady who had a conflict with another passenger, because I am not English citizen. Also, I was performing very fresh characters from Monkey Barns - made a theatre piece in which the words of adults were spoken by a cast of children. And I don't want to forget the first Improv showcase, in assistance with extraordinary Emma Bird.
My personal motto is "Stay busy, with or without a project, it doesn't matter, just keep yourself a busy actor – always. That's the only way you will be a good actor”